Hi, the module uses the default joomla translation way, so to translate it you can copy the file : root/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_relateditems_xtd.ini to root/language/nl-NL/nl-NL.mod_relateditems_xtd.ini and translate it.
for 'More Articles' you will se that at line 158
MORE_ARTICLES="More Articles"
For changing the date type to DD/MM/YY you need to do this steps :
1. From the module backend, change the Show Date Type option to DD/MM/YYYY
2. Open file root/modules/mod_relateditems_xtd/helper.php
At line 390 change this code :
return JHTML::_('date', htmlspecialchars( $date ),'m/d/Y', $offset); // hour:minute
return JHTML::_('date', htmlspecialchars( $date ),'m/d/y', $offset); // hour:minute