Mini frontpage tittles

Hi, i'm ussying mini frontpage in my home page, and i want to change the tittles of the articles to h1, because i want work in the seo of the page. I see the css of the theme i use in the mini frontpage module, but i don't see the solution.

Can you help me??

11 years 11 months ago #1 by jordi

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Sorry, if you want to see the web is
11 years 11 months ago #2 by jordi

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you can try by your self with these tricks:
1. Check your "Layout Type" (in your parameters), for example: you use "tabbed-fade-in-out"
2. Check your "Other Articles Placement" (in your parameters), for example: you use "Bottom"

so you just need to open: mod_minifrontpage/themes/tabbed-fade-in-out/tmpl/bottom.php

and try to find
if (!empty($show_title)) {
						echo modMiniFrontPageHelper::showTagFP( $item->title, $item->link, true, $title_link, '<span class="mfp-introtitle">', '</span><br/>' );

for this file, you will see at line 52-54

then change it become to
if (!empty($show_title)) {
						echo modMiniFrontPageHelper::showTagFP( $item->title, $item->link, true, $title_link, '<span class="mfp-introtitle"><h1>', '</h1></span><br/>' );

or you can remove "span"
if (!empty($show_title)) {
						echo modMiniFrontPageHelper::showTagFP( $item->title, $item->link, true, $title_link, '<h1>', '</h1><br/>' );

I hope this trick will help you

11 years 11 months ago #3 by ronysyz

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