Minifrontpagepro Featured articles ordering

Please is there a way to order the articles by joomla's "featured articles ordering"? I see "Featured first (sticky)" in Minifrontpage pro but that works different. The problem is that I have a lot of articles and my categories are ordered using joomla's featured articles ordering. Although minifrontpage allows custom ordering, that uses joomla's default "articles ordering". What this means is that, I have to rearrange the articles in each category one by one and that can take weeks.

1 year 10 months ago #1 by testos
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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
Hi, Can you tell me what is your goal? Do you want to keep certain articles stay on top? While the rest/next article following to date creation?
1 year 10 months ago #2 by TemplatePlazza
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Please sorry for the late reply. I just want the order of the articles to be just like the default joomla featured articles ordering with no sticky articles. In other words, if I go to the joomla backend, click on featured articles and order the articles, I want the articles in minifrontpage to adopt that ordering. Thanks once again.
1 year 10 months ago #3 by testos
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Please do you need any more information? Thanks
1 year 10 months ago #4 by testos
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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
For that purpose you can use choose option : Backend / Custom Ordering
combined with Featured Articles set to Only Show featured articles
1 year 10 months ago #5 by TemplatePlazza
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Please thanks but the backend/custom ordering in minifrontpage is not the joomla "featured articles ordering". It is rather the "articles ordering". Not the same. If you go to the joomla backend, you can click on "articles" and order OR click on "featured articles" and order. They are not the same. In my category blog layout, I have set the ordering to "featured articles ordering" which means only the featured articles ordering works. The default "articles ordering" does not work. Thanks
1 year 10 months ago #6 by testos
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