Pro version thumbnails are not working
- Posted by Apexbit Services (13) Offline
I would need two more things to ask you.
How can I change the weight of the title ? I've tried with the CSS adjustment and attribute font-weight (400, regular, normal) but doesn't work (look at module Breaking News). And if I change something in CSS to that module it changes all the other minifrontpage title display.
The second question: in my articles, I posted first of all, the category and title and after that the introtext. So, when the minifrontpage publishes it reads and publishes again the category and title as introtext. Is there a way "to tell" the module to skip a number of characters so the title doesn't repeat ? Please take a look at this module to understand what I mean: MFP International 2
Thank you.
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- Posted by TemplatePlazza (5287) Offline
It's on the thumbnail checking part, not really sure why it happened, because the code should work fine. I will check it more and will release an update later.Great job now it's working. What was wrong ?
You can use a more specific selector just like this:How can I change the weight of the title ? I've tried with the CSS adjustment and attribute font-weight (400, regular, normal) but doesn't work (look at module Breaking News). And if I change something in CSS to that module it changes all the other minifrontpage title display.
.mfp_mid_105 .mfp_default_item .mfp_default_title a {
.mfp_mid_105 is a unique class for the module so it wont change other minifrontpage style when you add css adjustment. You can see this class name by using browser inspect element.
I didn't see this module published on can you point me to the exact location where the module is published?Please take a look at this module to understand what I mean: MFP International 2
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- Posted by Apexbit Services (13) Offline
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- Posted by TemplatePlazza (5287) Offline
Then replace this code (line 202 in default.php, if you use default theme) :
echo JHtmlString::truncate(strip_tags($item->introtext), $introtext_truncate);
$orig_intro = JHtmlString::truncate(strip_tags($item->introtext), $introtext_truncate);
$removed_str = $item->category_title." ".$item->title;
echo str_replace($removed_str, "", $orig_intro);
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- Posted by Apexbit Services (13) Offline
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- Posted by Apexbit Services (13) Offline
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