HTML Tags being stripped

I saw another post that pointed out a template overide to restore HTML Tags to the articles.

I removed this (line 202) - /***echo JHtmlString::truncate(strip_tags($item->introtext), $introtext_truncate);***/

and added this in its place - echo $item->introtext;

I had email addresses at the beginning of the article and they still are not active...anything else I need to do?


11 months 2 weeks ago #1 by trey braid
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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
Hi trey, I've taken another look at it on my localhost and confirmed that it's functioning correctly. The issue might be related to the override being placed in the wrong file. If you're using the Infinity theme, the file you should be editing is "infinity_ajax.php." You'll find the relevant code around line 116.
11 months 2 weeks ago #2 by TemplatePlazza
The topic has been marked as resolved.
I made the change in that file ultimately; but, when I did the whole article text was then displayed.  Is there a way to make the change and still retain the Introtext Characters Limit?

11 months 2 weeks ago #3 by trey braid
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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
Gi Trey,
Ok, try this one
$introtext = strip_tags($item->introtext, '<a>');
$truncatedIntrotext = JHtmlString::truncate($introtext, $introtext_truncate);
echo $truncatedIntrotext;
11 months 2 weeks ago #4 by TemplatePlazza
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Thank You, much appreciated!!!

11 months 1 week ago #5 by trey braid
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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
Np. Glad it works 
11 months 1 week ago #6 by TemplatePlazza
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