MiniFrontPagePro Articles lost when going from offline to online

  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
Hi, I visited your website, and it seems everything is going fine. Can you please point out how to replicate the issue?
9 months 3 weeks ago #7 by TemplatePlazza
The topic has been marked as resolved.
Go to admin  -  global config. -- select site online and then call up the site.
9 months 3 weeks ago #8 by Larry Galvin
The topic has been marked as resolved.
  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
It's really strange. I've tried everything possible to track the issue, such as changing the module's position, altering the template, and even setting the error level to the maximum, but the module still doesn't show up, and there are no error messages at all.Surprisingly, when I created a new Minfifrontpage Pro module instance, it seems to be working well now. Could you please check it?
9 months 3 weeks ago #9 by TemplatePlazza
The topic has been marked as resolved.
Thank you very much ! 
Always good to work with a professional !!
9 months 3 weeks ago #10 by Larry Galvin
The topic has been marked as resolved.
  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5215) Offline
You're very welcome! Glad the issue has been resolved
9 months 3 weeks ago #11 by TemplatePlazza
The topic has been marked as resolved.
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