Change margin-bottom under thumbnail, how


Like to adjust the margin under the thumbnail. Where/how can i do this without losing the change when updating.
Found the code for the margin-bottom here: 

.mfp_default_skin_card .mfp_default_item .mfp_thumb_pos_left img, .mfp_default_skin_card .mfp_default_item .mfp_thumb_pos_left2 img {
    float: left;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    margin-right: 1em;

and like i like also to make the intro tekst clickable to the article (now only the thumbnail and title is)

1 year 5 months ago #1 by MasterM

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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5310) Offline
Hi MasterM, Sorry for the delay in responding.
To preserve the css style when you update the module, simply add the code to the CSS Adjustment tab in the module settings page.
If you want to apply the style to a specific module instance (rather than globally), you can use the 'inspect element' feature in your Chrome browser to identify the unique module class name for the mini frontpage pro.
For instance, if your module class name is 'mfp_mid_22,' then you can replace the '.mfp_default_skin_card' part with '.mfp_mid_22' in your code, like so:
.mfp_mid_22 .mfp_default_item .mfp_thumb_pos_left img,
.mfp_mid_22 .mfp_default_item .mfp_thumb_pos_left2 img {
    float: left;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    margin-right: 1em;

To make the entire card clickable, you can achieve that using template override as well. Please let me know which minifrontpage theme you are currently using
1 year 5 months ago - 1 year 5 months ago #2 by TemplatePlazza
Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by TemplatePlazza.

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Hi, im sorry too for my late response ;)

Thanks for your answer, margin bottom is fine now!
Im using the default theme (with skin card.min)
1 year 5 months ago #3 by MasterM

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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5310) Offline
For the introtext link, please find this code in the default.php (override)
echo JHtmlString::truncate(strip_tags($item->introtext), $introtext_truncate); ?>

change that to
<a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" itemprop="url">
echo JHtmlString::truncate(strip_tags($item->introtext), $introtext_truncate); ?>
1 year 5 months ago #4 by TemplatePlazza

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Its working, but the text is showing as an url (color change).

Is it possible to make the whole article card in its entirety clickable?


1 year 5 months ago #5 by MasterM

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  • Posted by TemplatePlazza (5310) Offline

Its working, but the text is showing as an url (color change).

Yes, because technically it's now a link. You will need a css to make style exception for that

Is it possible to make the whole article card in its entirety clickable?

yes, you just need to move that link part to the item wrapper/container.

Put the opening tag 
<a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" itemprop="url">
to the line 140 before this code :
<div class="mfp-col-xs-12 mfp-col-sm-6 mfp-col-md-<?php echo 12/$default_num_column;?> mfp_default_item">

and the closing tag
to the line 254 before this code :
<?php } else {
if($params->get('ordering') == "m_dsc") {
1 year 5 months ago - 1 year 5 months ago #6 by TemplatePlazza
Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by TemplatePlazza.

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