Mini FP Style Title

Hello, congratulations on your new website

I modified style.css
If Link Title = no

(debug chrome)
color: #C90;
.minifrontpage-default .mfp-introtitle - rgb(204,153,0)
body - #3B3B16
cursor: auto;



If Link Title = yes

color: #00E;
a:-webkit-any-link - -webkit-link user agent stylesheet
.minifrontpage-default .mfp-introtitle - rgb(204,153,0)
body - #3B3B16
cursor: auto;

As I can style the link?

sorry for my bad English

12 years 4 months ago #1 by manolo21119

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yes, you can get your style for the title (as link).

You will need to add these css codes:
.minifrontpage-default .mfp-introtitle a,
.minifrontpage-default .mfp-introtitle a:hover,
.minifrontpage-default .mfp-introtitle a:visited{
 color: #00E;

you can add those codes in css file (template or this module)

Good Luck
12 years 4 months ago #2 by ronysyz

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Perfect, thank you very much

My css skills are very limited, but thanks to you, I see it's very simple

12 years 4 months ago #3 by manolo21119

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