PROBLEMS with Jquery + speed Nivo slider "Responsive Banner"

Hello I have problems with jquery too if active "Adaptor Slider".
As an alternative I'm using the Nivo Slider but how do I slow down the speed.
I need to manage a range parameter for each banner.

11 years 5 months ago #1 by giggimix

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Hi, I have visited your website and looks like the sliders (you have multiple banners there) are working good.
Regading your problem to slow down the speed, please read this thread :,-too-fast-though
11 years 5 months ago #2 by andy

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I clicked on the link but there are various threads that what I read?
11 years 5 months ago #3 by giggimix

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Ah ok ..... but found I could use to synchronize the banner then give it a different parameter for each
11 years 5 months ago #4 by giggimix

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Ok then you will need to modify two files, mod_responsivebannerslider.php and mod_responsivebannerslider.xml

Open the file [ROOT]/modules/mod_responsivebannerslider/mod_responsivebannerslider.php about lines 198 -212 find the nivo code part, change that into like this :
$jsinline = "
		jQuery(window).load(function() {
				animSpeed: '".$params->get( 'aspeed', '500' )."', 
            	pauseTime: '".$params->get( 'ptime', '3000' )."', 

then open the file
after this code (line 94) :
<field name="nivoformat" type="spacer" label="MOD_RESPONSIVEBANNER_NIVO_DESC" class="text"/>

add this code
<field name="aspeed" type="text" default="500" label="Anim Speed" description="Animation Speed"/>
<field name="ptime" type="text" default="500" label="Pause Time" description="Pause Time"/>

No you should be able to configure different slider speed for each module
11 years 5 months ago #5 by andy

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Thank you very much around the screen .... I did well?
I'm trying changing the seconds but it seems the same.

thanks Luigi
11 years 5 months ago #6 by giggimix

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