problem with responsive banner slider and carrousel banner
- Posted by rottenberg (60) Offline
I have checked the jquery problem. I have even uploaded easyquery plugin. they don't appear at all. (no image)
I have tested also another module (simple spotlight from pixelcration). For this module the 1st image appears but the slide show doesn't work.
what do I ned to check fo get one of tehm working.
thanks for help
best regards
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- Posted by andy (759) Offline
I'd like you to suggest you these steps :
1. Unpublish all module that using jquery (because deal plazza has laready has built in jquery lib)
2. Them republish them one by one and check which one makes the error. You can try with responsive banner slider first, because as you can see in the demo website responsive banner slide works properly with deal plazza.
Hope this helps
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- Posted by Anna (2) Offline
I am using the dealplazza template.
It comes up all messed up in IE...comes up ok in chrom and firefox.
but the rresponsive banner doesn't load in any of the browsers. Chrome tries to load it but jgets nothing.
Also, where do I change the background image, favicon, logo etc?
Is there any documentation fo this?
So far I'm stuck bcause I can't icreate a new item in the banner, and the whole template looks disgusting in there a fix for this?
the domain is
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- Posted by andy (759) Offline
You can change backgorund image, logo from the the backend paramaters. For favicon, simply overwirite the default one in the root of template folder with yours. (see attachment )Also, where do I change the background image, favicon, logo etc?
There'is very detailed documentation coming with the template package. Have you seen it?Is there any documentation fo this?
Are you sure you' re using the latest version of deal plazza?.. and the whole template looks disgusting in there a fix for this?
Can you look at our demo website and let us know whether the demo looks good on IE or not.
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- Posted by Anna (2) Offline
Anyhow...yes I can see the banner, but where is the "items" in the drop down that i"m supposed to add a new item too? I don't see any "items" menu anywhere.
Yes, I checked and I am using the latest version of deal plazza version 1.1
I worked my way carefully through the entire documentation that you provided. It is quite clear until it gets to this banner/items point. I don't see any items in any menu, even the one that you have sent here. could you be more specific as to what this items is? Is it clearly called item or is it some other name because I can't see it anywhere.
I can't even get the homepage for your site to come up in IE 9 so I can't get to the template demo. All I get is a blank your site down or something? This is getting very frustrating. I sent you what is coming up in IE 9...I could't have just made that up, that's exactly what is on my screen.
Your documentation doesn't cover logo or favicon or background changes, where to make them, sizes etc. That would be quite helpful.
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- Posted by andy (759) Offline
Umm did you mean the pop login module? I think it's clearly visible in the top section of the website, right*? It's indeed created as an alternative design for default joomla login form. But if you prefer to use a clear login forum in your website (default joomla login form), you can easily enable it from the Joomla administrator page.Wow, that login button has to be the best kept secret on the site. Why wouldn't you have a log in form that is clearly visible? Strange
You just need to go to : Extensions -> Module Manager -> New -> Choose Login, then assign it to something like cell-7b possition. (See img attachment for the result).
If you're still not clear with this, please refer to this detailed documentation of Joomla :
*Additionally, when you acces the website from a mobile device, then the login button will be really visible on it because it's placed in the very top of website.
Ahh Got it. Really sorry for this inconvenience. There is an mis-typo on the Responsive Banner Slider section in the documentation.I worked my way carefully through the entire documentation that you provided. It is quite clear until it gets to this banner/items point. I don't see any items in any menu, even the one that you have sent here. could you be more specific as to what this items is? Is it clearly called item or is it some other name because I can't see it anywhere.
The correct one is should be like this :
We have mistakenly wrote it as "Next, go to Components -> Banner -> Items" when it should be "Next, go to Components -> Banner -> Banner"Next, go to Components -> Banner -> Banner and click the New button to create a new Banner. Fill new banner form ...
I can't even get the homepage for your site to come up in IE 9 so I can't get to the template demo. All I get is a blank your site down or something? This is getting very frustrating. I sent you what is coming up in IE 9...I could't have just made that up, that's exactly what is on my screen.
I've rechecked it and there's no problem with the website. I'm even able to see the website in the IE9 properly. You can it on the attached images below
By the way westgate, next time, instead of adding new reply to existing post like this one, would you create a new post (by clicking the "Ask a Question") button in the right section of the website everytime you want to ask a new question?
Replying a new question in a resolved post (especially when you post a different topic) probably will be really annoying for the post starter (in this case rotternberg) because he will get all email notifications everytime you replied to this post, that probably he don't want to see it. Thank you

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