Related Items Extended

Related Items Extended takes the standard Joomla core Related Articles module to new heights with additional article functions, including thumbnails, themes, and custom fields. This makes it easier for you to create a wide range of layout possibilities by simply changing and combining the backend parameters.


  • Matched items based on Tag or Meta Keyword similarity
  • Comes with 8 Pro Themes
  • Custom Field support
  • Slidebox Option
  • Flexible settings to change the look
  • Time ago settings for date
  • Youtube as item background
  • CSS Adjustment to tweak the look quickly
  • .. and more


Related Items Extended is released under the GNU/GPLv2 or Later licensing model that also means you can install it on multiple websites without any restrictions. By single purchasing this module it means you purchase the download access + update to this module for 6 months (180 days), and premium support for 1(one) website only


Legend [+] = Added [-] = Fixed [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [x] = Deleted
 Version 2.4.1 - 25-03-23
- Fixed some responsive issue for slidebox
- Fixed item count for Joomla 4 version
- Minor Language fix

Version 2.4.0 - 15-11-22
- Added webp support
- Some bugfixes

Version 2.3.1 - 09-09-22
- Fixed minor language strings issue

Version 2.3.0 - 22-09-21
- Fixed some issues with Joomla 4.0
- Thumbnail is now updated/re-generated everytime article is updated
- Fixed some backend ui issue in Joomla 4 version
- Added some other improvements

Version 2.2.0 - 03-04-21
+ Added option Number of Hits for Tag's Order Results
- Fixed SEF issue with 3 with 3rd party SEF extension for tag-matched based item
- Fixed image not found when trying to generate thumbnail, when wrong image url inserted

Version 2.1.0 - 18-09-20
+ Added IE 11 support for carousel based themes 
+ Added custom time period input
- Fixed custom default thumbnail file when *.png file is used

Version 2.0.0 09-08-20
- New major version, codebase changes added new features such as Themes, Custom field support etc

Version 1.7.1 15-05-2017
- Fixed thumbnail generation process to support image contains spaces in the filename

Version 1.7.0 28-11-2016
- Added Exclude articles function to let you to exclude specific article(s)

Version 1.6.0 22-10-2016
- Added tag matchtype feature to let you define how closely an item's tags need to match.

Version 1.5.5 - 12-10-2016
- Css bugfix

Version 1.5.4 - 10/08/2016
- Fixed a performance issue with Meta Keyword based setting
- Some css bugfixes

Version 1.5.3 - 25/04/2016
- Added Joomla 3.5 support
- Now uses Author Name instead of Author Alias

Version 1.5.2 - 24/07/2015
- Fixed sql error syntax when 'Meta Keyword' base is chosen
- Fixed period of novelty issue when 'Tag' base is chosen

Version 1.5.1 - 16/07/2015
- Fixed missing category filter for tags based items

Version 1.5 - 15/07/2015
- Fixed sql error syntax
- Fixed template override issue that is not accepting custom override
- Fixed some undefined notice message
+ Added Joomla Update Server

Version 1.4 - 17/07/2014
+ Added Category Filter function

Version 1.3.2 - 26/06/2014
- Fixed article ordering doesn't work when tag option is chosen

Version 1.3.1 - 19/06/2014
- Fixed period of novelty doesn't work when tag option is chosen

Version 1.3 - 15/02/2014
- Bug Fixes

Version 1.2.1 - 14/11/2013
- Fixed incorrect thumb images

Version 1.2 - 8/11/2013
+ Added tag support for Joomla 3.1+

Version 1.1.6 - 22/10/2013
- Fixed all errors / warning / notice in PHP 5.4

Version 1.1.5 - 7/10/2013
+ Added : Exclude category id(s) option

Version 1.1.4 - 17/06/2013
- Fixed imgalt and imgtitle var missing
- Fixed hide module when it's not in article page for default layout

Version 1.1.3 - 17/06/2013
- Added support image that has space on its name

Version 1.1.2 - 28/05/2013
- Fixed bug link

Version 1.1.1 - 25/05/2013
- Fixed wrong variable

Version 1.1 - 22/05/2013
+ Added Period of novelty option, to allow you to limit items that in particular period will be showed

Version 1.0.1 - 21/03/2013
- Fix Firefox 19 twitches issue

Version 1.0 - 13/03/2013
+ Initial Upload           

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  • Created at 13 Mar 2013
  • Updated at 25 Mar 2023
  • File Size 2.35 MB
  • 42474 Hits
  • Supported Platform J! 3.7+, 4.1+,5.X(BC)