Simple Floating Buttons

Floating Buttons is a simple Joomla! module that allows you to easily create Material Design-inspired Floating Action Buttons that float above the UI, easily through the Joomla backend


  • Easily change the button icon, color, and theme from the module backend.
  • Set the module visibility to be shown on mobile only, tablet, or all devices.
  • Set access levels for menu items.
  • Use custom images as icons.
  • ...and more.


Legend [+] = Added [-] = Fixed [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [x] = Deleted
 Version 2.0.0 - 25-11-23
* Refactored codebase now jQuery no longer needed
+ Add multiple item with more positions available
+ Added url target

Version 1.1.1 - 13-11-20
- Fixed custom icon url

Version 1.1.0 - 09-09-20
+ Added Joomla 4 support
+ Added Access Level for menu items
+ Added custom icon function
+ Added left position for buttons
+ Added css adjustment tab for quick css fix

Version 1.0.0 - 25-02-2018
+ Initial Release           

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  • Created at 25 Feb 2018
  • Updated at 24 Nov 2023
  • File Size 29.85 KB
  • 30723 Hits
  • Supported Platform J3.7+ - J4.1+ - J5.X