Social Media Meta Tag Generator

Enhance the impact of your article's social media sharing with Social Meta, a Joomla Content Plugin that converts your article's URL into a social media card with image when shared on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and more!

Social Meta automatically generates the appropriate Social Media Meta Tag codes commonly used. By having the correct meta tags, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of content sharing on social media. Consequently, this can exert a significant influence on your conversion rates and click-through rates.


  • Generates Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Cards and code
  • Supports Joomla article page and category page / blog with fallback for other non-joomla-content pages
  • Meta image (og:image,twitter:image) taken from intro image, if it’s not exist then it will use full text image, and if both of introimage and fulltextimage are not exist, then it will search the first image from introtext. For Category/Blog page, it will use category image
  • Meta Description taken from article/category meta description. If it’s not exist then it will use the first 250 characters of intro text (for article page) or use the global meta description (for Category page)

Generated (Facebook) Open Graph Tags
  • og:locale: taken from active language
  • og:site_name: taken from joomla sitename
  • og:title: taken from article title / category title
  • og:url: page url
  • og:type: "website" for non-content page and "article" for joomla article page.
  • article:published_time: article published date (for displayed in article page only)
  • article:modified_time: article modified time (for displayed in article page only)
  • article:section: article category (for displayed in article page only)
  • article:author: article author facebook url, taken from plugin parameter
  • og:description: taken from article/category meta description. If it’s not exist then it will use the first 250 characters of intro text (for article page) or use the global meta description (for Category page)
  • og:image:taken from intro image, if it’s not exist then the plugin will use full text image, and if both of introimage and fulltextimage are not exist, the plugin will search the first image from introtext. For Category/Blog page, it will use category image.
Generated (Google+) Tags
  • name: Same as "og:title"
  • author: article author google+ url, taken from plugin parameter.
  • description: Same as "og:description".
  • image: Same as "og:image"
Generated Twitter Card Tags
  • twitter:title: Same as "og:title"
  • twitter:url: Sames as "ug:url"
  • twitter:site: The website twitter account. taken from plugin parameter
  • twitter:creator: The author twitter account.taken from plugin parameter
  • twitter:description: Same as "og:description"
  • twitter:image: Same as "og:image"
  • twitter:card: value "summary_large_image"


Social Meta is released under the GNU/GPLv2 or Later licensing model that also means you can install it on multiple websites without any restrictions. By single purchasing this plugin it means you purchase the download access + update to this module for 6 months (180 days), and premium support for 1(one) website only


Legend [+] = Added [-] = Fixed [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [x] = Deleted
 Version 1.1.0 - 04-11-23
+ Added support for Joomla 4 and  Joomla 5
+ Added support for JCE
+ Added support for Helix template and SP page builder

Version 1.0.1 - 25-02-2018
- Fixed facebook language tag format

Version 1.0 - 08-09-2016
+ Initial Upload           
  • Created at 8 Sep 2016
  • Updated at 4 Nov 2023
  • File Size 918.74 KB
  • 16001 Hits
  • Supported Platform J3.7+ - J4.1+ - J5.X